

如果 FirstActivity 是任务的根,并完成自身和发射 SecondActivity ,然后调用 isTaskRoot() SecondActivity 立即返回,因为 FirstActivity 的整理异步发生,因而还没有完成。等待一秒钟的然后的调用 isTaskRoot()返回true。

If FirstActivity is the root of the task, and it finishes itself and launches SecondActivity, then calling isTaskRoot() in SecondActivity immediately will return false, because the FirstActivity's finishing happens asynchronously and thus isn't done yet. Waiting for a second and then calling isTaskRoot() returns true.

public class FirstActivity extends Activity {
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        startActivity(new Intent(this, SecondActivity.class));

public class SecondActivity extends Activity {
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    protected void onResume() {
                .setText("isTaskRoot() in onResume(): " + isTaskRoot());
        new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                        .setText("isTaskRoot() after 1s: " + isTaskRoot());
        }, 1000);


Is there a way to …

  • (最佳)找出活动是否将任务根的最终的,或者,

获得某种形式的通知/回调,一旦任务是在它的最后的状态,因此(聊胜于无) isTaskRoot()将返回真理?

(better than nothing) get some sort of notification/callback once the task is in its "final" state and thus isTaskRoot() will return the "truth"?


I've had a similar problem and I wanted tight control over exactly who the root activity is. In my case, the root could only be one of my own activities (not 3rd party ones), so I was able to use the following approach:

我延长了应用程序类,增加了一个弱引用名为 currentRootActivity 的活动,并添加同步的getter和setter

I extended the Application class, added a weak reference to an activity called currentRootActivity and added synchronized getter and setter.


Then I managed this state by myself when activities were created / destroyed. My use case was a little special because I was looking to replace one root with another, so I knew exactly where to reset my new state variable, but I'm pretty sure you can do the same.


I was even able to add this state logic in a shared base class for all of my activities. So this wasn't as disgusting as it sounds :)

正如评论,活动方法 isFinishing 也可能会派上用场。

As mentioned in the comments, the activity method isFinishing might also come in handy.