如何在React Native中创建文本边框



In React-Native, how do I add font borders to Text-components?

我尝试使用 border shadow {颜色,半径,不透明度,偏移量} ,但尚未实现。有任何建议吗?

I've tried using border and shadow{Color, Radius, Opacity, Offset}, but haven't gotten that to work. Any suggestions?


The official docs have this information for you. You can find it on this site: Text Component. There it shows which props you can use to change the behaviour and style of the component. As you can see there are some specific Text styles but also the styles you can apply on a View Component. And if you follow that link it shows you the border styles. So, what you're looking for is maybe:

borderColor string
borderTopColor string
borderRightColor string
borderBottomColor string
borderLeftColor string
borderRadius number
borderTopLeftRadius number
borderTopRightRadius number
borderBottomLeftRadius number
borderBottomRightRadius number
borderStyle enum('solid', 'dotted', 'dashed')
borderWidth number
borderTopWidth number
borderRightWidth number
borderBottomWidth number
borderLeftWidth number