


While I nailed down a padding of 50px below my body previously, I am still having problems with a bunch of white space sitting below my footer on my pages. Do I merely need to make my content longer to fill the vertical space? I'm using bootstrap for the first time to create my new site and I am left with this annoying dilemma. here's a link to an offending page:



I bet someone will look at this and show me something I'm not seeing in Firebug (or beyond Firebug). I've been looking at it for too long!


More than likely if you are using the sticky footer template from the bootstrap page you are dealing with the margin below text that is pushing the text inside the footer div further up and therefore pushing its parent element up too. I had the same issue. An easy way to fix this would be to add the following code inside one of your stylesheets.

.footer p {  // Selects text inside a <p> tag that is inside a .footer <div>
   margin-bottom: 0; // removes default <p> tag margin from the bottom