


@Entity({ name: 'provider' })
export class ProviderEntity extends GenericEntity {

    name: string;

    description: string;

    @OneToMany(() => ItemEntity, item => item.provider)
    items: Promise<ItemEntity[]>;


@Entity({ name: 'item' })
export class ItemEntity extends GenericEntity {

    content: string;

    @ManyToOne(() => ProviderEntity, provider => provider.items)
    provider: Promise<ProviderEntity>;


Provider 对象已经存在于数据库中,我想创建具有 provider 身份的 item .

Provider object already exist in database and I would like to create item with realtion to provider.


        const content = 'mockContent';
        const providerId = '5be045b1-ef49-4818-b69f-a45c0b7e53';
        const item = new ItemEntity();
        item.content = content;
        item.provider = providerId; // ERROR

        await this.repository.save(item);
        return item;

它可以工作,但是我遇到打字稿错误.类型'string'无法分配给'Promise< ProviderEntity>'类型..正确的插入方式是什么?

The code it works, but I am getting an typescript error Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'Promise<ProviderEntity>'.. What is the correct way how to insert this?


Generic entity class contains only id

id: string;


I believe to associate things by a relation ID, and not a full relation object, you need to add the relation ID to your interface:

@ManyToOne(() => ProviderEntity, provider => provider.items)
provider: Promise<ProviderEntity>;

providerId: string

providerId 是TypeORM用来在内部跟踪该关系的列,您只需要公开公开它即可.

providerId is the column TypeORM uses to keep track of the relation internally, you simply simply need to expose it publicly.


And then you simply set that property:

const item = new ItemEntity();
item.content = content;
item.providerId = providerId; // set providerId column directly.

await this.repository.save(item);