詹金斯(Jenkins):将git commit hash传递给下游作业

詹金斯(Jenkins):将git commit hash传递给下游作业


我有2个工作(A和B). 作业A指向URL-A上的git存储库. 作业B指向URL-B上的另一个git存储库.

I have 2 jobs (A and B). Job A points to a git repo at URL-A. Job B points to a different git repo, at URL-B.

一旦作业A完成并且稳定,它应该触发作业B并传递在作业A的构建中使用的git commit哈希.

Once job A finishes and is stable, it should trigger job B and pass the git commit hash that was used in job A's build.


(作业B对应于从URL-B中检出的脚本,该脚本具有2个参数:git commit哈希和JAR工件,这些工件将包装在Docker映像中并推送到Docker中心)

(Job B corresponds to a script checked out from URL-B that has 2 parameters: a git commit hash and a JAR artifact that will be wrapped in a Docker image and pushed to Docker hub)

在作业B中,选中This project is parameterized.定义一个String Parameter,例如将Name设置为COMMIT.在作业A中,将Post-build Actions设置为Trigger parameterized build on other projects. Project to build是作业B的名称,Trigger when build isStable. Add ParametersPredefined parameters,只需将COMMIT=$commit放入其中. $commit通常是作业A中定义的参数.您可以在作业B中添加其他预定义的参数,然后将值传递给作业A中的全部或部分参数.

In Job B, check This project is parameterized. Define a String Parameter, set Name to COMMIT for example. In Job A, set Post-build Actions with Trigger parameterized build on other projects. Project to build is Job B's name, with Trigger when build is as Stable. Add Parameters with Predefined parameters, in which you just put COMMIT=$commit. $commit is usually a paramter defined in Job A. You could add other predefined parameters in Job B and pass a value to all or some of them in Job A.