

看一下MSDN中关于 "About dialog boxex "中的 "Dialog Box Measurements ".
Every dialog box template contains measurements that specify the position, width, and height of the dialog box and the controls it contains. These measurements are device independent, so an application can use a single template to create the same dialog box for all types of display devices. This ensures that a dialog box will have the same proportions and appearance on all screens despite differing resolutions and aspect ratios between screens.

The measurements in a dialog box template are specified in dialog template units. To convert measurements from dialog template units to screen units (pixels), use the MapDialogRect function, which takes into account the font used by the dialog box and correctly converts a rectangle from dialog template units into pixels. For dialog boxes that use the system font, you can use the GetDialogBaseUnits function to perform the conversion calculations yourself, although using MapDialogRect is simpler.

The template must specify the initial coordinates of the upper left corner of the dialog box. Usually the coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the owner window 's client area. When the template specifies the DS_ABSALIGN style or the dialog box has no owner, the position is relative to the upper left corner of the screen. The system sets this initial position when creating the dialog box, but permits an application to adjust the position before displaying the dialog box. For example, an application can retrieve the dimensions of the owner window, calculate a new position that centers the dialog box in the owner window, and then set the position by using the SetWindowPos function.

The template should specify a dialog box width and height that does not exceed the width and height of the screen and ensures that all controls are within the client area of the dialog box. Although the system permits a dialog box to be any size, creating one that is too small or too large can prevent the user from providing input, defeating the purpose of the dialog box. Many applications use more than one dialog box when there are a large number of controls. In such cases, the initial dialog box usually contains one or more buttons that the user can choose to display the next dialog box.
