GWT:如何更改GWT Celltable中的行颜色



i have a celltable in GWT, I can change color of a specific column by this

            celltable.addColumnStyleName(4, "bluetext");


but how can i change for example color of row No 3



您必须提供 RowStyles 返回每行的css类名称的对象。所以,为一行设置一个特定的颜色,你必须用这种颜色定义一个css类,然后让你的 RowStyles 对象返回相关的类行。

You have to provide a RowStyles object that returns css class names for each row. So, to set a particular color for a row, you'd have to define a css class with that color, and then cause your RowStyles object to return that class for the relevant rows.

我想你可以用 cellTable.setRowStyles 或类似的东西来设置它。

I think you set this with cellTable.setRowStyles or something similar.

cellTable.setRowStyles(new RowStyles<T>() {
    public String getStyleNames(T rowObject, int rowIndex) {
        if (rowIndex == 3) {
            return "bluetext";
        } else {
            return "normaltext";