

在gdb中,我似乎无法访问任何伪寄存器: r8b r9b r10b r11b r12b r13b r14b r15b (不过, r15d r15w 似乎有效,并且对于 sil 也是如此.

In gdb, I can't seem to access any of the pseudo-registers: r8b, r9b, r10b, r11b, r12b, r13b, r14b, nor r15b (however, r15d and r15w seem to work, and same for sil).


section .text
global main

  xor esi, esi
  mov sil, 0x1f
  xor r13d, r13d
  mov r13b, sil

使用 gdb 运行:

(gdb) p $sil
$1 = -15
(gdb) p $r13 
$2 = 241
(gdb) p $r13b
$3 = void
(gdb) p /x $r13b
$4 = 0x0

我在 gdb中找不到任何内容手册,并且没有使用 info all-registers 命令进行打印.我正在使用GDB 10.

I couldn't find anything in the gdb manual, and they aren't printed with the info all-registers command. I'm using GDB 10.

您可以使用后缀 l 引用这些寄存器的低字节:

You can reference to the low byte of those registers using the l suffix:

r8l r9l r10l r11l r12l r13l r14l r15l .

(gdb) p $r13l
$1 = -15
(gdb) p /x $r13l
$2 = 0xf1

除了在此外,在gdb代码库中,是一个错误如果在 print 命令中指定了格式,则使用0而不是void(如上例所示).如果未定义您要打印的值,则将来的gdb版本应显示 void .

Furthermore, there was a bug in the gdb codebase that would print 0 instead of void if a format is specified to the print command, as it happens in the last example. Future versions of gdb should display void if the value that you are printing is not defined.