


I am trying to find a subset of values within an array which add up to a given number and return an array of that subset. I need the return array to contain the highest possible largest value.


The integer array will always be in ascending order but there will not always be a valid answer. If there is no valid answer I need to return a string along the lines of 'No valid answer'.


如果int数组是:[1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11],而目标是19-我希望返回数组是[1, 7, 11]. 我不想返回[9, 7, 3],因为11大于9,并且我不想返回[3, 5, 11],因为7大于5.

If the int array is: [1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11] and the target is 19 - I want the return array to be [1, 7, 11]. I would not like to return [9, 7, 3] because 11 is larger than 9, and I would not like to return [3, 5, 11] because 7 is larger than 5.


I am assuming that I will need a for loop within a recursive function to get my answer but have been unable to figure out how to do it.

我在Java中发现了该问题的各种变化: https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/36214/find-all-subsets-of-int-array-hose-sums-等于给定的目标

I have found variations of the question in Java: https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/36214/find-all-subsets-of-an-int-array-whose-sums-equal-a-given-target

我也在JavaScript中找到了一个返回值对的解决方案(尽管这很简单): https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/74152/given-an-array-of-integers-return-all-pairs-that-and-upto-to-100

I have also found a solution in JavaScript which returns pairs of values (although this is pretty straight forward): https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/74152/given-an-array-of-integers-return-all-pairs-that-add-up-to-100


I was thinking that you would need to start your loop with the last element of the array and loop backwards through the array to check if there is a combination of 2 numbers whose sum is the target.


If there is not a pair, you would need to start with the highest pair of numbers whose sum is less that the target and loop though the array to find if there is a combination.


This operation would need to be continued until the subset is found or you discover that there is no valid answer.



  1. 返回简单案例的已知值.对于此问题,简单的情况是(a)目标为0(解决方案为空数组)和(b)目标为负(失败).
  2. 递归并根据答案返回一些计算.对于这个问题,我们查看每个候选值,然后递减一个目标值并递减该值,然后返回一个由递归结果加上当前元素组成的数组.


// Find subset of a that sums to n.
function subset_sum(n, a) {
  if (n < 0)   return null;       // Nothing adds up to a negative number
  if (n === 0) return [];         // Empty list is the solution for a target of 0

  a = a.slice();
  while (a.length) {              // Try remaining values
    var v = a.shift();            // Take next value
    var s = subset_sum(n - v, a); // Find solution recursively
    if (s) return s.concat(v);    // If solution, return


To enforce the rule that you want to prefer higher values first, pass this function an array of values that is pre-sorted in descending order.

> subset_sum(19, [11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1])
< [1, 7, 11]