

我正在尝试使用 enFinder 文件管理器连接到我的asp.net项目.//elfinderaspnet.codeplex.com/documentation"rel =" noreferrer>连接器.我添加了Autofac版本3.此后,我删除了引用,并添加了对Autofac 2.6的引用.现在出现以下错误:

I am trying to connect enFinder file manager to my asp.net project with this connector. I added Autofac Version 3. Afterwards I removed the reference and added a reference to Autofac 2.6. Now the following error occurs:

无法加载文件或程序集"Autofac,版本=,区域性=中性,PublicKeyToken = 17863af14b0044da"或其依赖项之一.找到的程序集的清单定义与程序集引用不匹配. (来自HRESULT的异常:0x80131040)


删除项目中的所有Autofac引用,并使用正确的Autofac DLL再次添加它们.当您通过 Add Reference 菜单添加到项目中的引用与实际文件的版本不同时,就会发生不匹配的情况.当您交换项目中引用所指向的磁盘上的物理DLL文件时,就会发生这种情况.

Delete all Autofac references in your project and add them again, using the correct Autofac DLL. The mismatch occurs when the reference you've added to your project via the Add Reference menu is not the same version as the actual file. This happens when you exchange the physical DLL file on your disk to which the reference in your project points.