MVC获得一个职位的ActionResult表单控件数据 - 属性值


我试图重新东西在我的WinForms天没回来的HTML数据 - MVC属性。

i'm trying to recreate something i did back in winforms days with html data- attributes in mvc.


you could set an attribute on a form control using this:

txtTest.Attributes.Add("data-myattribute", "my value");


and then read it back once the form had been posted using:



adding the attributes in mvc is a breeze:

@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.FirstName, new { data_myattribute = "my value" })


just can't figure out how to read them in the action result once the form has been posted?!

一直在寻找周围,虽然我可以找到关于如何设置数据 - 属性值和在JavaScript中阅读loadsa帖子,我找不到任何东西,会告诉我如何让他们回到code。 ..

been searching around and whilst i can find loadsa posts on how to set data- attribute values and read them in javascript, i can't find anything that'll tell me how to get them back in the code...


anyone out there know the magic answer?!


Data attributes are not included in the data that's posted with the form, so there is no way to read them in your controller action. Try using a hidden field instead:

<input type="hidden" name="FirstNameAttribute" value="my value" />


public string FirstNameAttribute { get; set; }