将 HTMLCollection 转换为数组的最有效方法


除了遍历所述集合的内容并手动将每个项目推送到数组之外,是否有更有效的方法将 HTMLCollection 转换为数组?

Is there a more efficient way to convert an HTMLCollection to an Array, other than iterating through the contents of said collection and manually pushing each item into an array?

var arr = Array.prototype.slice.call( htmlCollection )


will have the same effect using "native" code.


由于这得到了很多观点,请注意(根据@oriol 的评论)以下更简洁的表达有效等效:

Since this gets a lot of views, note (per @oriol's comment) that the following more concise expression is effectively equivalent:

var arr = [].slice.call(htmlCollection);

但是请注意@JussiR 的评论,与详细"形式不同,它确实在此过程中创建了一个空的、未使用的且实际上无法使用的数组实例.编译器对此的处理超出了程序员的能力范围.

But note per @JussiR's comment, that unlike the "verbose" form, it does create an empty, unused, and indeed unusable array instance in the process. What compilers do about this is outside the programmer's ken.


自 ECMAScript 2015 (ES 6) 起,还有 Array.from:

Since ECMAScript 2015 (ES 6) there is also Array.from:

var arr = Array.from(htmlCollection);


ECMAScript 2015 还提供了传播运算符,它在功能上等同于 Array.from(尽管请注意 Array.from 支持映射函数作为第二个参数).

ECMAScript 2015 also provides the spread operator, which is functionally equivalent to Array.from (although note that Array.from supports a mapping function as the second argument).

var arr = [...htmlCollection];

我已经确认上述两项都适用于 NodeList.

I've confirmed that both of the above work on NodeList.
