

我有许多 div s,有时包含链接。我想检查他们是否有链接。这是我的尝试:

I have many divs which sometimes contain links. I want check whether or not they have a link. This is my attempt:

var container = $(this).closest('.content').find('.text');

    //Check if text contains a tags
        alert('contain link'); 
        alert('no link found');  //Alert "contain link" even if no link is found.

通过执行 container.html()我可以看到包含锚标签的容器的确切内容,但我上面的代码总是会说它找不到锚标签。

By doing container.html() I can see the exact content of container including anchor tags, but my code above will always say that it cannot find the anchor tag.


Could someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

更改为: p>

Change to this:

if(container.find("a").length){ ...

容器是一个jquery对象, .find()是该对象的函数,可以在其中查找元素。长度大于0将意味着它会找到一个锚标签,并将它评估为true。

container is a jquery object and .find() is a function of that object that finds elements within it. A length greater than 0 will mean it finds an anchor tag and it will evaluate to true.


另外,为了解释为什么你的例子不工作。当你执行 container +':has(a)',你正在做一个字符串连接,它运行 toString()您的对象(将其转换为[object Object])。所以你最终得到一个字符串[object Object]:has(a),它将始终评估为true。

Also, to explain why your example isn't working. When you do container+':has(a)', you are doing a string concatenation which runs toString() on your object (converting it to "[object Object]"). So you end up with the string "[object Object]:has(a)" which will always evaluate to true.