在Windows Phone上动态显示图像


我正在开发一个Windows Phone 7应用程序,其中我将图像保存在列表框中.当我触摸列表框中的一张图像时,该图像将显示在图像控件上.现在,我希望对此进行一些更改,而不是在我触摸一张图片时 滚动滚动查看器,一张一张自动显示在图像控件上的图像.

I am developing one windows phone 7 application in which i kept images in a listbox. When I am touching one image from the list box then this image is displayed on image control. Now i want some changes in this instead of touching one image when I scroll the scroll viewer the images automatically displayed on the image control one by one. 


Suggest me some way with sample code.


And how do you determine what image is displayed?