


I am having trouble trying to figure out how I can make a text box change content depending on what link is being hovered over. I can get it to work with which ever one is closest to the div but the other links seem to have no effect. I do not however want to have text being inserted in between the links nor do I want to create several text boxes. My main goal is to have the links always in the same place and when you hover over them a text box underneath will display the correct content.


Here is some code and a JSFiddle I threw together to help better illustrate my question: JSFiddle


<a class="one" href="#">one</a>
<a class="two" href="#">two</a>
<a class="three" href="#">three</a>

<div class="element">hello</div>


.element {
     display: none;

a:hover + .element {
     display: block;


<a href="#" class="a-1">one</a>
<a href="#"class="a-2">two</a>
<a href="#"class="a-3">three</a>

<div class="element-1">hello one</div>
<div class="element-2">hello two</div>
<div class="element-3">hello three</div>


and then apply the following CSS:

.element-1, .element-2, .element-3{
     display: none;
.a-1:hover  ~ .element-1 {
     display: block;
.a-2:hover  ~ .element-2{
     display: block;
.a-3:hover  ~ .element-3 {
     display: block;

查看演示: http://jsfiddle.net/audetwebdesign/p7WUu/


The CSS is slightly repetitive but it works and no JavaScript required.


The sibling combinator (~) is needed to pick out sibling elements, see reference.

参考文献: http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#sibling -combinators