适用于iOS的Google Analytics(分析)SDK 2.0是否表示崩溃报告?


在他们的网站 Google Analytics(分析)SDK中没有提及 a>


I am talking about the automatic uncaught exception handling:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
  [GAI sharedInstance].trackUncaughtExceptions = YES; // Enable 

从理论上讲,只有在您不从应用二进制文件中剥离符号的情况下才有可能,从而导致二进制文件更大(最大30-50%) ).或者,如果您上传dSYM,则也可以获取行号.

In theory this would only be possible if either you don't strip symbols from your app binary, resulting in larger binary files (up to 30-50% bigger). Or if you upload the dSYM, which would allow you to get line numbers too.


Since you can't upload dSYM files, and the documentation doesn't seem you to require leaving the symbols in the app binary, they won't symbolicate crashes caused by uncaught exceptions.