Mat-tab材质angular6 selectedIndex不适用于* ngFor


我显示了几个带有循环的选项卡ngFor使用Angular Material选项卡. 这可以正常工作,但是现在我想在初始化时打开第二个选项卡,而不是第一个选项卡. 因此,我在mat-tab-group组中添加了selectedIndex属性,但是它不起作用,并且仍然在第一个选项卡上继续打开.

I display several tabs with a loop ngFor using Angular Material tabs. This works properly however now I would like to open the second tab when initialised and not the first tab. Therefore, I add the property selectedIndex in the mat-tab-group but it doesn't work and still continues to open on the first tab.


<mat-tab-group class="col-10 offset-1" (selectedTabChange)="onTabChanged($event)" [selectedIndex]="1">
  <mat-tab label={{}} *ngFor="let tab of tabs; let index = index">
      Values: {{tab.values}}

使用服务从ngOnInit的服务器中获取变量"tabs" ,如下所示:

The variable "tabs" is fetched with a service from the server in ngOnInit like this:


  res => {
    this.tabs = res;
  err => {


I think it comes from here because if I set the tabs manually without requesting to the server it works. Like this:

this.tabs = [{name: "X2", values: "52"}, {name: "Z2", values: "52"}, {name: "R2", values: "52"}]


You can set the selectedIndex after your service data is available. You need to do below changes:

  1. 通过声明以下属性来获取对组件(其模板包含mat-tab-group的组件)中的MatTabGroup实例的引用:

  1. Get hold of a reference to MatTabGroup instance in your component (the component whose template contains mat-tab-group) by declaring below attribute:

@ViewChild(MatTabGroup) tabGroup: MatTabGroup;

  • 然后在更新tabs

      res => {
        this.tabs = res;
        this.tabGroup.selectedIndex = 1;

  • 总体而言,您的组件可能看起来如下所示:

    Overall, you component may look somewhat like below:

    import {Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
    import { MatTabGroup } from '@angular/material';
      selector: 'tab-group-basic-example',
      templateUrl: 'tab-group-basic-example.html',
      styleUrls: ['tab-group-basic-example.css'],
    export class TabGroupBasicExample implements OnInit {
      @ViewChild(MatTabGroup) tabGroup: MatTabGroup;
      tabs = [];
      ngOnInit() {
          res => {
              this.tabs = res;
              this.tabGroup.selectedIndex = 1;
          err => {