


Is it possible to set a default title or override the generated title for when a user is in Safari on their iOS device and clicks "Add to Home Screen"?

我想这个标题是从HTML的< title> Example.com< / title> 标签中提取的。但是,我想仅针对具有特定标题的iOS设备。

I imagine this title is being pulled from the HTML's <title>Example.com</title> tag. However, I would like to target just iOS devices with a specific title.


A matter of fact, the title that iOS pulls in is not even the full title of my site; however, iOS clearly accepts more character input when I do it manually.

在iOS 6中,现在可以手动设置使用以下未记录的 meta 标记的默认网络剪辑标题:

In iOS 6 it is now possible to manually set a default web clip title using the following undocumented meta tag:

<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-title" content="[your title]" />

感谢Max Firtman在针对HTML5开发者的iPhone 5和iOS 6

Thanks to Max Firtman for covering this in his article on the iPhone 5 and iOS 6 for HTML5 developers.