


I've been looking around for some time now, but I can't find a way to combine these elements:

我想要100%宽度的div,并带有1行元素.我需要滚动浏览该div,就像: http://jqueryfordesigners.com/demo/scrollable- timelines.html

I want a 100% width div, with 1 row of elements. I need to scroll through this div, just like: http://jqueryfordesigners.com/demo/scrollable-timelines.html


So with a hidden overflow and such.


But now I want some sort of smooth ease when I let go of the mouseclick, so it'll be like a sort sweep. So when I drag the screen from left to right, and let go of the mouse, it'll move on for 1 sec and linearly slowing down. Hm, am I making sense?


Does anyone know of any scripts or some tips to put me back on track?

Utterscroll 是我编写的拖放式滚动库:(演示暂时中断,似乎CDN链接不再起作用,)

Utterscroll is a drag and scroll library I've written: ( demo temporarily broken, seems a CDN link no longer works,)

GitHub: https://github.com/debiki/utterscroll
GitHub托管的演示: http://rawgit.com/debiki/utterscroll/master/utterscroll-example.html

GitHub: https://github.com/debiki/utterscroll
GitHub hosted demo: http://rawgit.com/debiki/utterscroll/master/utterscroll-example.html


It differs from other libraries in that it 1) understands if you intend to select text, rather than scrolling (note that in the example linked to by the question, it's not possible to select text), and 2) it needs no, or almost no, configuration.


Utterscroll stops when you release the mouse though (just like Dragscrollable, in the answer above, does.)