在scrollviewer wpf中禁用鼠标滚轮滚动





CustomCanvs has a zoom in/out function. But when I spin the mouse wheel in the CustomCanvas area, ScrollViewer's scrollbar works and zoom in/out don't work. And when I scroll the scrollbar of the ScrollViewer, not only CustomCanvas' zoom in/out work but also scrolling of the ScrollViewer work well.


When I spin the mouse wheel, I want only zoom in/out. And when I scroll the scrollbar, I want only scrolling to work.

如何防止ScrollViewer的鼠标滚轮事件使鼠标滚轮旋转? 以及如何防止ScrollViewer滚动条的滚动放大/缩小? 请帮助

How I can prevent mouse wheel event of ScrollViewer from spining mouse wheel? And how I can prevent zoom in/out from scrolling of ScrollViewer's scrollbar? Please help


you could handle the MouseWheel Event of Custom Canvas so that when the mouse is pointed in your canvas area and the wheeling event accured you set the Handled property of the MouseWheelEventArgs to true :

 private void UIElement_OnMouseWheel(object sender, MouseWheelEventArgs e)
        e.Handled = true;
        //handler your zoomIn/Out here


  <local:CustomCanvas  MouseWheel="UIElement_OnMouseWheel">