当父div在屏幕上不可见时的jQuery UI位置函数问题


我在使用jQuery UI Position Function时遇到了一个奇怪的问题.

I'm facing a weird problem with jQuery UI Position function.

有一个父div,其大小大于屏幕的高度,而在其内部又有一个小div. 我的函数告诉小div位于父对象的底部.

There is a parent div, bigger then screen's height and another small div inside it. My function tell to the small div be positioned in the bottom of it parent.


When the bottom is visible, everything is ok, but when the bottom is not visible because of the window size, the position function doesnt work.


Follow a draw to make easy understanding...


        of: $("#_RED_div"),
        my: "left bottom",
        at: "left bottom"

:JSFiddle- jsfiddle.net/Steve_Wellens/5Zdac (感谢史蒂夫,很棒的工具)

JSFiddle - jsfiddle.net/Steve_Wellens/5Zdac (thanks Steve, great tool)


I think you should use collision attribute also:

    of: $("#_RED_div"),
    my: "left bottom",
    at: "left bottom",
    collision: 'none'

这样,"MY DIV"将始终位于左下角.

This way "MY DIV" will always be at the bottom left.