静态图像中的颜色检测-OpenCV Android



I have an image with four squares red, green, blue and yellow. I need to get the rgb values of each squares. I'm able to get the rgb of the whole image, but i want it for a specific section.

  • 我要获取的图像将来自相机并存储到SD卡上


I don't know if I understand you exactly, but here it comes.


You need to create BufferedImage object to get RGB value:

File f = new File(yourFilePath);
BufferedImage img = ImageIO.read(f);


You can get RGB Color values from the image from then. You have 4 squares; to check their RGB values, you can check the corner pixels' RGB values:

Color leftTop = new Color(img.getRGB(0, 0));
Color rightTop = new Color(img.getRGB(img.getWidth - 1, 0));
Color leftBottom = new Color(img.getRGB(0, img.getHeight - 1));
Color rightBottom = new Color(img.getRGB(img.getWidth - 1, img.getHeight - 1));


After that it's easy to get red, green and blue values individually:

int red = leftTop.getRed();
int green = leftTop.getGreen();
int blue = leftTop.getBlue();


I'm really sorry, I didn't see it's for Android. As you said, Android doesn't have ImageIO class. To accomplish the task in Android, first initialize the image:

Bitmap img = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(yourFilePath);


From then the operation is pretty much the same:

int leftTop = img.getPixel(0, 0);

int red = Color.red(pixel);
int blue = Color.blue(pixel);
int green = Color.green(pixel);