

Javascript 中,当我提供 onSubmit 函数时,我从函数返回'false',它阻止了页面更改/

In Javascript when I provide an onSubmit function, and I return 'false' from the function, it prevents the page from changing/reloading.

但是在 Dart 中, onSubmit.listen(...)不接受退货类型。

However in Dart the onSubmit.listen(...) function does not take a return type.


on.submit.add(...)回调中,接收 Event 作为参数。 Event 对象提供了一个 preventDefault() 方法以防止或取消默认操作。

Within the on.submit.add(...) callback, you will receive the Event as an argument. The Event object provides a preventDefault() method to prevent or cancel the default action.

querySelector('#myForm').onSubmit.listen((Event e) {
  // ... your code here