

我要的按钮控件的属性是的IsEnabled =FALSE直至值输入到一个文本框窗口

I want the Button control's property to be IsEnabled="False" until a value is entered into a TextBox in the Window.


  Content="Click Me"
          Binding="{Binding ElementName=textBox, Path=Length}"
          <!-- or even: Binding="{Binding Path=textBox.Length}" -->
            Value="false" />

此外,是有可能有这种按钮控件的的IsEnabled 属性是基于3种不同的文本框控制所有具有价值?

Also, is it possible to have this Button control's IsEnabled property be based on 3 different TextBox controls all having values?


Assuming you are employing a presentation model, such as a ViewModel, you should bind directly the data instead of the UI elements.

            <Condition Binding="{Binding FirstName}" Value="{x:Null}" />
            <Condition Binding="{Binding MiddleName}" Value="{x:Null}" />
            <Condition Binding="{Binding LastName}" Value="{x:Null}" />
        <Setter Property="Button.IsEnabled" Value="False" />


That said, if you are using a presentation model, you can always add a bool "EnableSave" property and handle all the presentation logic there instead of in the view itself.

由于可以通过下面的评论中可以看出,我错误地设置这使按钮时的任意文本框具有价值,但要求是按钮启用时的所有文本框 ES具有价值。

As can be seen by following the comments, I mistakenly set this up to enable the Button when any TextBox has a value, but the requirement is that the Button be enabled when all TextBoxes have values.

从概念上讲,所有你需要做的是反向的条件 - 而不是假,如果所有条件假的,我们想要的。如此,如果所有条件属实

Conceptually, all you have to do is reverse the conditions -- instead of "false if all conditions false," we want "true if all conditions true."

美中不足的是,有没有办法在XAML说不空 - 没办法不使用的IValueConverter ,那是。我想创建一个 NullToBoolConverter 的回报!= NULL

The catch is that there is no way to say "not null" in the XAML -- no way without an IValueConverter, that is. I'd create a NullToBoolConverter that returns false for null and true for != null.


            <Condition Binding="{Binding FirstName,
                Converter={StaticResource NullToBoolConverter}}" Value="True" />
            <Condition Binding="{Binding MiddleName,
                Converter={StaticResource NullToBoolConverter}}" Value="True" />
            <Condition Binding="{Binding LastName,
                Converter={StaticResource NullToBoolConverter}}" Value="True" />
        <Setter Property="Button.IsEnabled" Value="True" />