Rails:一次添加多个 flash[:notice] 的简单方法


我想每次你执行 flash[:notice]="Message" 时,它都会将它添加到数组中,然后在视图中显示,但以下内容只保留最后一次闪烁:

I thought every time you do a flash[:notice]="Message" it would add it to the array which would then get displayed during the view but the following just keeps the last flash:

flash[:notice] = "Message 1"
flash[:notice] = "Message 2"


Now I realize it's just a simple hash with a key (I think :)) but is there a better way to do multiple flashes than the following:

flash[:notice] = "Message 1<br />"
flash[:notice] << "Message 2"

flash 消息真的可以是你想要的任何东西,所以你可以这样做:

The flash message can really be anything you want, so you could do something like this:

flash[:notice] = ["Message 1"]
flash[:notice] << "Message 2"


And then in your views, output it as

<%= flash[:notice].join("<br>") %>



Whether that technique is easier than other solutions is determined by your own preferences.