


我正在尝试做什么是从 txtName (文本框), numAmount (NumericUpDown)和 radA / radB (Radiobuttons)中获取数据并将它们存储在一个数组中,以便我可以将它们打印到 txtEntries (多行文本框)中,然后撤消最后添加的行..





[btnAdd] - > make数组包含[0] [1] [2]并将其打印到txtEntries(文本框)

[btnUndo] - >删除最后添加的行[0] [1] [2]



I recently started with C# and I'm trying to work on a small project I've always wanted to try.

What I'm trying to do is grab the data from txtName (Textbox), numAmount (NumericUpDown) and radA/radB (Radiobuttons) and store them in an array so I can print them into txtEntries (Multiline Textbox) and afterwards undo the last added line..


Name: [0]
Amount: [1]
Choice: [2]

[btnAdd] --> make array that holds [0][1][2] and prints it into txtEntries (textbox)
[btnUndo] --> remove the last added line that holds [0][1][2]

Here's a screenshot of what it looks like now: http://s23.postimg.org/da2yi766j/image.jpg.

Here's the code I've got so far:

private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string name = txtName.Text;
            string amount = numAmount.Text;
            string radioA = radA.Text;
            string radioB = radB.Text;
            string entries = txtEntries.Text;

            // Save input to array (when chosen A)
            string[] participantA = new string[3];
            participantA[0] = name;
            participantA[1] = amount;
            participantA[2] = radioA;

            // Save input to array (when chosen B)
            string[] participantB = new string[3];
            participantB[0] = name;
            participantB[1] = amount;
            participantB[2] = radioB;

            // Check which bet is made (A or B)
            if (radA.Checked == true)
                txtEntries.Text = txtEntries.Text + participantA + Environment.NewLine;
             /* ParticipantA should show me everything in the Array but it doesn't.. */
                txtName.Text = string.Empty;
                numAmount.Text = "1";
            else if (radB.Checked == true)
                txtEntries.Text = txtEntries.Text + name + " - " + amount + " - " + radioB + Environment.NewLine;
             /* Instead of putting the arrayname I entered the items manually.. */
                txtName.Text = string.Empty;
                numAmount.Text = "1";


I know this seems complicated, but since I'm a beginner in this, I'm looking for an easy way to make an undo button that'll whipe away the last added line. I'm pretty sure this needs to be done with arrays (and I think jagged arrays) but I'm not sure how to start..

txtEntries.Text = txtEntries.Text + participantA + Environment.NewLine;


你必须直接访问participantA的每个元素,所以它看起来像这样: />

... This line isn't working because you are trying to concatenate a string array (participantA) directly into a string property (txtEntries.Text). They are fundamentally different objects, so you can't do this.

You have to access each element of participantA directly, so it would look something like this:

txtEntries.Text = txtEntries.Text + participantA[0] + " - " + participantA[1]+ " - " + participantA[2] + Environment.NewLine;


As for your undo button, since you are adding each partipant with a new line, you can search for the last newline and take everything before that. So in your undo function, put this:

string oldText = txtEntries.Text;
txtEntries.Text = oldText.Substring(0, oldText.LastIndexOf('\n')); 

Environment.NewLine实际上给你\\\\ n(这是一个回车和一个换行),这是为什么我使用LastIndexOf搜索最后一个换行符。我使用substring来获取索引0和最后一行换行之间的所有内容。


Environment.NewLine actually gives you \r\n (which is a carriage return and a new line feed), which is why I use LastIndexOf to search for the last line feed. I used substring to take everything between index 0 and the last line feed.

Hope this helps!