


I apologize if this has been asked previously, but I haven't been able to find an example online or elsewhere.


I have very dirty data file in a text file (it may be JSON). I want to analyze the data in R, and since I am still new to the language, I want to read in the raw data and manipulate as needed from there.


How would I go about reading in JSON from a text file on my machine? Additionally, if it isn't JSON, how can I read in the raw data as is (not parsed into columns, etc.) so I can go ahead and figure out how to parse it as needed?


假设您的文件采用JSON格式,则可以尝试使用 jsonlite 包或 RJSONIO rjson .这三个包允许您使用fromJSON函数.

Suppose your file is in JSON format, you may try the packages jsonlite ou RJSONIO or rjson. These three package allows you to use the function fromJSON.

要安装软件包,请使用 install.packages 功能.例如:

To install a package you use the install.packages function. For example:



And, whenever the package is installed, you can load using the function library.



Generally, the line-delimited JSON has one object per line. So, you need to read line by line and collecting the objects. For example:

con <- file('myBigJsonFile.json') 
objects <- list()
index <- 1
while (length(line <- readLines(con, n = 1, warn = FALSE)) > 0) {
    objects[[index]] <- fromJSON(line)
    index <- index + 1

在那之后,您将所有数据保存在 objects 变量中.使用该变量,您可以提取所需的信息.

After that, you have all the data in the objects variable. With that variable you may extract the information you want.