

关于 html 的非常基本的问题.

Very basic question about html.

因为太长,想把文件分成多个文件.这不是关于使用 iframe 等,而只是想包含多个文本文件来创建 html 文件的 .

Because the <body> is too long, I want to divide the file into multiple files. It is not about using iframe etc, but just want to include multiple text files to create <body> of the html file.


你可以用 jquery 做到这一点

You can do it using jquery

  <script src="jquery.js"></script> 
      $("#Contenttoinclude").load("b.txt or b.html"); 

并将其加载到 html

and load it in html

 <div id="Contenttoinclude"></div>