RMarkdown for Word 文档中的交叉引用


我正在编写一个 Rmd 文件,该文件将被编入 Word 中的报告中.我正在尝试为图形创建一个标签,并对其进行交叉引用,如下所示:

I am writing an Rmd file that will be knitted to a report in Word. I am trying to create a label for a figure, and a cross reference to it, as in:


```{r TotalCarStock, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="Forecasted versus actual car stock", out.width = '100%'}
knitr::include_graphics("C:/Usr/WP vehicle stock/TotalCarStock.jpg")

我在这里看到的所有讨论都表明这在创建 pdf 文档时可以正常工作,但我希望将我的 Rmd 文件编织"到 Word 文档中.Word 文档创建正确,除了标签和交叉引用保持空白.

All discussions I have seen here indicate that this works correctly when creating a pdf document, but I wish to "knit" my Rmd file to a Word document. The Word document is created correctly, except that the label and the cross reference remain blank.

@LaurentFrankx 最后,我找到了解决方案:如果你使用 bookdown::word_document2:,你将能够得到以下结果> 在 YAML 标头的 output 行中代替 word_document,如下所示.

@LaurentFrankx Finally, I found the solution: you will be able to get the following result, if you use bookdown::word_document2: instead of word_document in the output line of YAML header, as shown below.

title: "VHS Report"
author: "Laurent Franckx"
date: "14 September 2018"
  fig_caption: yes
#pdf_document: default

As illustrated in Figure \@ref(fig:TotalCarStock), etc, etc. However, `out.width = '100%'` in an R chunk cannnot be specified when we want to produce a `.docx` output, because `out.width = '100%'` is used for creating `.pdf` outcome.

```{r TotalCarStock, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="Forecasted versus actual car stock"}

bookdown::word_document2:***_document2 函数由@Yihui 创建.我们可以在官方指南中看到它们的用法.这些使我们能够放置自动编号,如此处中所述一>.

bookdown::word_document2: and other ***_document2 functions are created by @Yihui. We can see their usage in the official guidebook. These enable us to put the automatic numbering, as described in here.


For farther customization, we can consult the article titled Happy collaboration with Rmd to docx. Although the article introduces how to configure the formatting with word_document, the tips are still valid and useful with the updated function, word_document2.