

我有一个蒙面文本框,用于以指定格式输入传真号码。我在插入符号起始位置有问题。当我点击框中的最后一个位置时它保持在相同的位置,但是插入符号应该处于起始位置(| + 1- - - ,就像这样)。

i have a masked textbox which is used to enter the fax number in specified format. i have a problem on caret start position in that. when i click on last position in the box it remains in the same position, but the caret should be in the starting position (|+1- - - , like this).

<msk:MaskedTextBox x:Name="txt_Fax" Mask="+1-000-000-0000" PromptChar=" "
     Text="{Binding Path=Fax}"  MouseDown="txt_Fax_MouseDown"  />

  // (Codebehind)
   private void txt_Fax_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
        txt_Fax.SelectionStart = txt_Fax.MaskedTextProvider.LastAssignedPosition + 1;
        txt_Fax.SelectionLength = 0;


in which event i have to write this code?



try another event like GotFocus or MouseUp.
When you "activate" a control, there are a bunch of events happening, if you set the caret too soon, the value will be overwritten by an event that comes later in the chain.

Hope this helps.