


how to use html input(text) control in,i m entering quantity and rate i have to calculte amount without post back, i m using java script but it doesnt work,if any one has solution ,plz tell me.

它不起作用,因为您的代码已损坏.调试javascript的最佳方法是使用带firebug的firefox,这是使人们为您提供代码帮助的最佳方法,它可以为我们提供代码,因此我们可以告诉您哪里出了问题. ASP.NET实际上无关紧要,您没有使用服务器控件,也没有进行回发,这是一个JavaScript问题.
It doesn''t work because your code is broken. The best way to debug javascript is firefox with firebug, and the best way to get people to help you with your code, it to give us the code, so we can tell you what is wrong. ASP.NET is actually irrelevant, you''re not using a server control, nor are you doing a postback, yours is a javascript question.

you can write debugger; in javascript to debug the javascript code.