

嗨!我创建了一个带有后退按钮"的页面,该页面作为弹出窗口打开.后退按钮不适用于IE,但id在FireFox Mozilla中有效.



(普通窗口)Page1->(PopupWindow)Page2-> Page3(带有后退按钮).现在,当我单击Page3上的后退按钮时,并没有带我进入Page2.



Hi! I created a page that has a "Back Button", it opens up as a pop up window. The Back Button doesn''t work IE but id does in FireFox Mozilla.
I have tried with window.history.go and window.history.back but non of them is working.

the scenario is like this.

i have a like on a page that opens up a popup window with another link when i click on that link another page opens in the same popup window with a back button. when i m clicking on back button it doesn''t take me to the previous page.

(Normal Window)Page1->(PopupWindow)Page2->Page3(with Back Button). Now when i m clicking on the back button present on Page3 it doesn''t take me to the Page2.

I have checked the window.history.length it comes zero.

Any Suggestion please ?




If history.back or history.go(-1) doesnt work for your window, that means you didnt placed the history entry to the browser.

Generally history entry is not entered in the browser if postback is used using location.replace or opened in a new window all the time.

Please check your application. There must be somewhere getting wrong in the code. It is hard to tell this from here.
