


Most of answers and questions here on SO use to put L before any UTF-8 string. I found no explantion of what it is, in the source code, the constant is, according to my IDE, defined in winnt.h.


This is how I use it, without knowing what it is:

std::wcout<<L"\"Přetečení zásobníku\" is Stack overflow in Czech.";


Obviously, constant concatenation cannot be applied on variables:

void printUTF8(const char* str) {
  //Does not make the slightest bit of sense
  std::wcout<<L str; 


So what is it and how to add it to dynamic strings?


L is an indication to the C compiler that the string is composed of "wide characters". In Windows, these would be UTF-16 - each character that you put in the string is 16 bits, or two bytes, wide:

L"This is a wide string"

相反,UTF-8字符串始终是由字节组成的字符串. ASCII字符(A-Z 0-9等)的编码方式一直保持不变-范围为0x00至0x7F(或0至127).国际字符(例如ř)使用0x80到0xFF范围内的多个字节进行编码-

In contrast, a UTF-8 string is always a string composed of bytes. ASCII characters (A-Z 0-9 etc) are encoded the way they have always been - in the range 0x00 to 0x7F (or 0 to 127). International characters (like ř) are encoded using multiple bytes in the range 0x80 to 0xFF - there is a very good explanation on wikipedia. The advantage is that it can be represented using ordinary C strings.

"This is an ordinary string, but also a UTF-8 string"

"This is a C cedilla in UTF-8: \xc3\x87"

但是,如果您在实际代码中输入这些国际字符,则编辑器需要知道您正在输入UTF-8,以便它可以正确编码字符-就像上面的C cedilla一样.然后,该字符串将正确地传递给您的函数.

However, if you are typing these international characters in to actual code, your editor needs to know that you are typing in UTF-8 so it can encode the characters correctly - like the C cedilla above. Then the string will be passed correctly to your function.


In your case, your comment indicates that you are using UTF-16. In which case there are two other issues:

  • 默认情况下,控制台不会正确输出Unicode字符.您需要将字体更改为Truetype字体,例如Lucida Console

  • The console will, by default, not output Unicode characters correctly. You need to change the font to a truetype font like Lucida Console

您还需要将输出模式更改为Unicode UTF-16.您可以执行以下操作:

You also need to change the output mode to a Unicode UTF-16 one. You can do this with:


_setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U16TEXT);


#include <iostream>
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

int wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[])
    _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U16TEXT);
    std::wcout << L"Přetečení zásobníku is Stack overflow in Czech." << std::endl;