


As an exercise I have to build a satnav system which plans the shortest and fastest routes from location to location. It has to be as fast as I can possibly make it without using too much memory.


I am having trouble deciding which structure to use to represent the graph. I understand that a matrix is better for dense graphs and that a list would be better for sparse graphs. I'm leaning more towards using a list as I'm assuming that adding vertexes will be the most taxing part of this program.


I just want get some of your guys' opinions. If I were to look at a typical road-map as a graph with various locations being nodes and the roads being edges. Would you consider it to be sparse or dense? Which structure seems better in this scenario?

我会选择列表,因为它只有 1 次投资.它的好处是它能够遍历所有相邻顶点比矩阵更快,这是大多数最短路径算法中最重要和最频繁的步骤.

I would go for lists because its only 1 time investment. The good thing about it is that it is able to iterate over all the adjacent vertices faster than matrix which is an important and most frequent steps in most of the shortest path algorithms.

因此,矩阵为 O(N) 的邻接列表仅变为 O(k),其中 k 是相邻顶点的数量.

So where matrix is O(N) adjacency list goes only O(k) where k is number of adjacent vertices.