


I can't draw a pattern with a transparent background. This is my snippet :

bitmap.CreateBitmap(8, 8, 1, 1, &bits)
hbrush = pCgrCurrentDC->SelectObject(&brush);
// set text color 
TextCol = pCgrCurrentDC->SetTextColor(CgrColourPalRGB);  
int oldBkgrdMode = pCgrCurrentDC->SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT);
//draw polygon 
pCgrCurrentDC->Polygon(CgrBuffer, n);

msdn 不会"什么都没有提到透明度.我想可以使用这种模式吗?还是这是一个错误?

The doc on msdn doesn't mention anything about transparency. I guess this mode could be used? Or is this a bug ?



Mode TRANSPARENT means that background will not be filled before your brush is drawn. But your brush does not contain any transparent pixels in it and it redraws background pixels anyway. Fourth argument in CreateBitmap was set to 1 in your sample. That means bitmap is monochrome.

您需要使用32位位图才能在笔刷中使用透明度. GDI支持透明性,但有一些限制.使用GDI +可获得完全透明的支持.

You need to use 32-bit bitmap to use transparency in brushes. GDI supports transparency with some limits. Use GDI+ for full transparency support.