


我试图将一个简单的库(如json.org)添加到我的libgdx项目中.依赖关系已在gradle文件中正确配置.该项目不再编译.我认为问题是因为GWT编译器无法找到源代码.以前有人发生过这种事吗?有什么解决办法吗? 谢谢.

I am trying to add a simple library like json.org to my libgdx project. The dependencies were properly configured in the gradle file. The project is not compiling any longer. I think the problem is because the GWT compiler is not able to find the source code. Did this happen to someone else before? Any possible solution? Thanks.



Try to issue the command from the command line:

gradlew --refresh-dependencies

可能从通用 Tween引擎安装页上获得了这一点可以为您提供帮助.在页面文字中:

Got this one from the Universal Tween Engine installation page, probably can help your case. From the page text:


And most importantly you now need to refresh your project dependencies through your IDE or by running the following command from your project directory: