

我正在尝试使用 32feet 库从移动设备中读取联系人,并且在尝试时遇到错误的请求错误.该设备已与我的应用配对.这是我的代码:

I'm trying to read contacts from my mobile device using 32feet library and i'm having a bad request error when I try. The device is paired with my app. This is my code:

var item = (BluetoothDeviceInfo)listBox.SelectedItem;
Task.Run(() =>

    item.SetServiceState(BluetoothService.PhonebookAccess, true);

    if (OBEXOpenStream(item.DeviceAddress.ToString()))
        if (OBEXConnect())
            string tName = "";
            string tType = "text/x-vCard";
            string tFileContent = "";
            int result = OBEXRequest("GET", tName, tType, tFileContent);




I dont know if there are another ways to get the contacts using OBEX.

在您必须为请求发送空名称标头时,您可能犯了一个错误.变量 tName 应该为 null ,而不是" ,因为" 0x00 以字节为单位,而不是空的名称标头.库将发送名称标头的大小为 0x0004 ,而不是 0x0003 ,这是vCard请求所必需的.这是一个常见的错误,我也犯了这个错误:)

Maybe you made a mistake when you have to send a empty name header for the request. The variable tName should be null not "", as "" is 0x00 in bytes, not empty name header. The library will send the size of the name header as0x0004, not 0x0003, which is required for your vCard request. This is a common mistake, and I commited it too :)

OR 为什么给 tFileContents 参数?据我所知,这是没有必要的.您可能必须删除该参数.根据IRDA规范,它不是必需的.

OR Why do you give tFileContents parameter? It is not necessary as I know. You may have to delete the parameter. According to IRDA spec, it is not needed.


Sorry for poor English and I hope this answer helped a lot.