如何使用OAuth连接到Etrade API?



E-Trade released their API recently and provided technical documentation which is somewhat useful but not complete.


Does anyone have a fully working example in C# that shows how this works?


I have been able to do the authentication using OAuth correctly, but when it comes to getting information out of my account or market data, the servers fail.

我能够使用DevDefined OAuth库进行连接,但是我不得不花几个星期的时间才能将其获取好好工作。我分叉了仓库,因此您可以下载我使用的src,并为您构建一个.dll。

I was able to connect using the DevDefined OAuth Library, but i had to make some tweeks to the source to get it to work properly. I forked the repo so you can download the src i used, and build you a .dll.

回购: GitHub


 public abstract class BaseOAuthRepository

    private static string REQUEST_URL = "https://etws.etrade.com/oauth/request_token";
    private static string AUTHORIZE_URL = "https://us.etrade.com/e/t/etws/authorize";
    private static string ACCESS_URL = "https://etws.etrade.com/oauth/access_token";

    private readonly TokenBase _tokenBase;
    private readonly string _consumerSecret;

    protected BaseOAuthRepository(TokenBase tokenBase, 
                                  string consumerSecret)
        _tokenBase = tokenBase;
        _consumerSecret = consumerSecret;

    public TokenBase MyTokenBase
        get { return _tokenBase; }

    public string MyConsumerSecret
        get { return _consumerSecret; }

    public OAuthSession CreateSession()
        var consumerContext = new OAuthConsumerContext
            ConsumerKey = MyTokenBase.ConsumerKey,
            ConsumerSecret = MyConsumerSecret,
            SignatureMethod = SignatureMethod.HmacSha1,
            UseHeaderForOAuthParameters = true,
            CallBack = "oob"

        var session = new OAuthSession(consumerContext, REQUEST_URL, AUTHORIZE_URL, ACCESS_URL);    
        return session;

    public IToken GetAccessToken(OAuthSession session)
        IToken requestToken = session.GetRequestToken();
        string authorizationLink = session.GetUserAuthorizationUrlForToken(MyTokenBase.ConsumerKey, requestToken);
        Console.Write("Please enter pin from browser: ");
        string pin = Console.ReadLine();
        IToken accessToken = session.ExchangeRequestTokenForAccessToken(requestToken, pin.ToUpper());

        return accessToken;

    public string GetResponse(OAuthSession session, string url)
        IToken accessToken = MyTokenBase;

        var response = session.Request(accessToken).Get().ForUrl(url).ToString();
        return response;

    public XDocument GetWebResponseAsXml(HttpWebResponse response)
        XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(response.GetResponseStream());
        XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(xmlReader);
        return xdoc;

    public string GetWebResponseAsString(HttpWebResponse response)
        Encoding enc = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(1252);
        StreamReader loResponseStream = new
        StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), enc);
        return loResponseStream.ReadToEnd();