ELMAH忽略MVC 3网站异常


我不知道这是ELMAH或ASP.NET MVC3,或只是两者的结合问题:
我已经配置了我的MVC 3的网站使用ELMAH,但是当我使我的pretty错误页在web.config中,ELMAH停止记录异常。我曾经有过眼前这个在我的web.config,

I don’t know it this is an issue with ELMAH or ASP.NET MVC3, or just the combination of the two: I’ve configured my MVC 3 website to use ELMAH, but when I enable my "pretty" error page in web.config, ELMAH stops logging exceptions. I used to have just this in my web.config,

<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="/Error.htm" redirectMode="ResponseRewrite"></customErrors>


But at first I didn’t have an Error.cshtml view in my shared folder: ELMAH would log an exception for the missing Error view, when some other exception was thrown. After adding an Error.cshtml view, ELMAH doesn’t log any exceptions anymore.


I’m guessing I need to configure MVC to handle exceptions in a different way, so they’re picked up by ELMAH, and the ASP.NET eventually kicks in and displays the error .htm page. How do I do that? Or am using MVC exceptions and/or ELMAH wrong?


Look at this answer directly from the author of Elmah. There is also another answer in the same thread that should give you an alternative approach