如何使用Perl将文件上传到Office365 SharePoint?


有人可以建议将文件上传到Office365 SharePoint吗?

Can someone please advise on uploading files to Office365 SharePoint?

我认为应该使用DAV协议完成此操作,因此 HTTP :: DAV 应该是正确的库,但是如何对其进行编码以使其与 Office365 一起使用? Office365托管的每个帐户都有一个TeamSite网站,希望可以通过DAV进行访问.请告知.

I believe this should be done using the DAV protocol, so HTTP::DAV should be right library for that, but how to code it to make it work with Office365? Each account hosted with Office365 has a TeamSite website, which hopefully can be accessible with DAV. Please advise.

Upload large documents to SharePoint site using WebClient class gives an example of using DAV to upload a document.

WebClient oWebClient = new WebClient();

oWebClient.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
byte[] bFile = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\Sundar\WEB315.wmv");

string ulr = @"http://lt010593/Shared Documents/WEB315.wmv";
System.Uri oUri = new System.Uri(ulr);

oWebClient.UploadDataAsync(oUri, "PUT", bFile);
oWebClient.UploadDataCompleted += new UploadDataCompletedEventHandler(oWebClient_UploadDataCompleted);

牢记该示例,任务是查看 WebClient文档找出 oWebClient.UseDefaultCredentials = true; 确实如此.

With that example in mind, the task is to look at WebClient documentation to figure out what oWebClient.UseDefaultCredentials = true; really does.


Set this property to true when requests made by this WebClient object should, if requested by the server, be authenticated using the default credentials of the currently logged on user. For client applications, this is the desired behavior in most scenarios. For middle tier applications, such as ASP.NET applications, instead of using this property, you would typically set the Credentials property to the credentials of the client on whose behalf the request is made.


So, it seems, the task is to figure out what credential information is sent. The rest seems to be a simple PUT request.