Microsoft Bot Framework的Bing位置控制:Facebook Messenger中的键入地址不起作用


我正在使用Microsoft Framework bot Sdk for C#构建机器人.我已将漫游器连接到Facebook频道.我已经将内置的位置对话框选择器实现为FB Messenger的位置选择器GUI对话框,如下所示:

I am building bot with Microsoft Framework bot Sdk for C#. I have connected bot to Facebook Channel. I have implemented built in location dialog picker as FB Messenger's location picker GUI dialog as following:

var apiKey = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BingMapsApiKey"];
var prompt = "Where should I ship your order? Type or say an address.";
var locationDialog = new LocationDialog(apiKey, message.ChannelId, prompt, 
LocationOptions.UseNativeControl | LocationOptions.ReverseGeocode);
context.Call(locationDialog, (dialogContext, result) => {...});

(来自 )

但是,当我尝试输入地址时,它会再次提示消息点击发送位置以继续;键入或说取消以退出". Facebook对话框图片

However, when I try to type in the address it re prompts the message "Tap on Send Location to proceed; type or say cancel to exit." Facebook dialog picture


I do not understand why it does not allow me to type in the address?

您可以使用来自Facebook Messenger的位置

You can use location from Facebook Messenger docs to get this done.