vs2012 wdk8无法加载文件或程序集microsoft.visualstudio.project

您使用的是哪个版本的Visual Studio(Express,Pro,Ultimate ......)? WDK不能与VS Express一起使用,因此这可能是问题所在。另外,请确保您使用的是最新版本的WDK 8(可用


确保Visual Studio安装文件夹中有以下文件(这是x64机器上的默认路径,因此请调整它根据需要)。如果缺少该文件,您可能需要重新安装Visual Studio。

Make sure you have the following file in your Visual Studio installation folder (this is the default path on a x64 machine, so adjust it as needed). If that file is missing, you will probably need to reinstall Visual Studio.

  • C:\Program Files(x86)\ Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0 \ Common7 \Tools \ProjectComponents \ Microsoft.VisualStudio.Project.V11Only.dll

您还可以尝试运行Visual Studio安装程序命令。为此,请打开"开发人员命令提示符"。对于具有管理权限的Visual Studio 2012,并运行"devenv.exe / setup"; (确保运行时Visual Studio已关闭)。

You can also try to run the Visual Studio setup command. To do that, open a "Developer Command Prompt" for Visual Studio 2012 with administrative rights, and run "devenv.exe /setup" (make sure Visual Studio is closed when you run that).

如果上述任何一项工作,作为最后的手段,我建议卸载WDK和Visual Studio,然后重新安装VS和WDK。

If none of the above work, as a last resort, I would suggest uninstalling WDK and Visual Studio, and then reinstalling VS and the WDK.