

我正在使用EnterpriseLibrary for ExceptionHandling ASP.Net Web Application Project中的错误。为此,我收到如上所述的错误。我以为dll文件丢失但是已经安装了。



I am using EnterpriseLibrary for ExceptionHandling the errors in ASP.Net Web Application Project. For this I am getting this error as mentioned above. I thought the dll file is missing but it is installed.

What I have tried:

I uninstalled the dll file and reagian installed the dll file in the same project but getting the same error. Can anyone help me out of this issue.

它没有说DLL有问题它说有一个问题出现在DLL中调用它的代码不处理 - 这通常是因为你的代码在调用它时做错了。使用调试器找出错误发生的位置,并查看调用堆栈以找出调用代码的位置。

然后在该行上放置一个断点,并添加一个 try ... catch 阻止它,以便您可以查看异常本身。运行你的代码,当它到达断点时,看看你正在使用代码做什么,以及你传递了什么参数。然后步行,您应该能够查看异常内容以找出您拥有的异常消息,这应该可以帮助您确定问题究竟是什么。

It's not saying "the DLL has a problem" it's saying "there is a problem which shows up in the DLL which the code that calls it isn't dealing with" - and that's normally because your code has done something wrong when it called it. Use the debugger to find out where the error is occuring and look at the call stack to find out where in your code it is called from.
Then put a breakpoint on that line, and add a try...catch block round it so you can look at the exception itself. Run your code, and when it hits the breakpoint look at exactly what you are doing with the code, and what parameters you pass it. Then step the line, and you should be able to look at the exception content to find out what exception messages you have, and that should help you work out what exactly the problem is.

Sorry, but we can't do any of that for you!

I found the problem that is only one thing I have written the name wrongly. Later on I have changed the name and finally it is working as expected. Thanks a lot