

NFS Server Configuration


The Application Server which you want to set the global configured user home need start NFS server.


l         Create directory for share

# cd /home

# mkdir work

# chmod –R 777 /home/work


l         Edit “/etc/exports”

Add as list:


/home/work 192.168.0.*rw,sync,no_root_squash


(1)     /home/work is the directory you want to share

(2)     192.168.0.* is the network segment


l         Click Services Menu



NFS Client Configuration


The Application Server which you want to connect the global configured user home need start NFS client.


l         Create mount directory

# cd /mnt

# mkdir work


l         Mount remote NFS share directroy

# mount –t nfs /mnt/work


l         List mount directory

# ls /mnt


       If you see work directory, it shows configuration successfully.


l         For auto mount when client restart

# cd /etc/rc.d

# vi rc.local


Add as below :


# mount –t nfs /mnt/work