


So, I realize that SASL is not implemented in android, and that consequently the javamail oauth2 methods won't out of the box.

不过,根据对IMAP的Gmail谷歌的API文档( https://开头的开发。 )这似乎相当琐碎得到一个身份验证令牌,连接code它,并发送AUTHENTICATE XOAUTH2手动服务器。

However, according to the google api docs for gmail imap ( it would seem fairly trivial to get an auth token, encode it, and send the 'AUTHENTICATE XOAUTH2 ' to the server manually.

我的问题:我想使用JavaMail IMAP功能(不想处理IMAP协议命令和响应改写(munging)我自己),但我需要一种方法来简单地插入正确的验证命令 - 不是传统的登录用户名密码。

My problem: I want to use the javamail IMAP functions (don't want to handle IMAP protocol commands and response munging myself), but I need a way to simply insert the proper authentication command - not the traditional login username password.


Can this be done and what would be the easiest way to go about it? Could I create my own authentication method and implement this easily?


Alternatively, can I create the connection and then hand this off to an IMAPStore (doubt this would work as it creates and manages a connection pool).



Just to be more specific, the method is not implemented in Android which Imap.protocol.IMAPSaslAuthenticator relies on.

有了这个,我可以成功进行身份验证使用的OAuth 2令牌我从Android的AccountManager得到了Gmail的IMAP服务器,我没有尝试别的。对于SMTP,你可以看看我的答案在这里Javamail API在Android中使用XOAUTH
我认为这是可能使SMTP工作,SASL从这里其中有SMTP SASL支持。

I have a working jar with sasl support for imap (for smtp you have to issue the command as you said because java mail for android doesn't have the sasl infrastructure for smtp). All I did was to add the packages and to the java mail for android source and repackage it. I had to put the in a different namaspace, etc. because otherwise android build system complains that the package contains core libraries, not sure why it doesn't complain for javax.mail which is in a core namespace anyway (javax). I also had to change some import for the new namespace in some classes, but basically are the packeges classes themselves and com.sun.mail.imap.protocol.IMAPSaslAuthenticator. With this I could successfully authenticate to gmail imap server using the oauth 2 token I got from the Android AccountManager, I didn't try anything else. For smtp, you can look at my answer here Javamail api in android using XOauth I think it's possible to make smtp work with Sasl getting the new classes from here which have Sasl support for smtp. I think this is perfectly fine because all I do is adding some GPL classes, the one that I added are from the JDK. Hope this helps, if you need the jars or some more explanation on how to do it, just ask.