如何使用Office365电子邮件配置Microsoft Bot Framework?



I have developed a very simple bot I want to connect with my Office 365 Group. Both are relatively new technologies so it's hard to find concrete information.


After creating and uploading my bot, I click Add to enable on email channel.


The Add screen then takes me to a "Configure Email" screen, which I'm not sure what to do about:


  1. 如何为Bot配置电子邮件频道?
  2. 如果我将该机器人分发给具有自己的Office365服务和活动目录的其他企业,身份验证将如何工作?
  3. 由于该漫游器位于Azure上,它需要对客户端的活动目录进行任何形式的访问吗?

如果我正确理解了您的问题,则需要创建一个新的Office365帐户来代表您的机器人(即MyBotName@SomeOfficeDomain.com).您所有客户端的所有人都将使用该电子邮件地址与漫游器进行通信,无论它们位于哪个域中. BotFramework尚不支持单个企业部署.

If I understand your question correctly, you'll want to create a new Office365 account to represent your bot (i.e. MyBotName@SomeOfficeDomain.com). All of your client's will use this same email address to communicate with the bot regardless of what domain they are on. BotFramework does not yet support individual enterprise deployments.