如何在C#中使用Microsoft Graph Api上传到OneDrive



I have been trying to upload to a OneDrive account and I am hopelessly stuck not being able to upload neither less or greater than 4MB files. I have no issues accessing the drive at all, since I have working functions that create a folder, rename files/folders, and a delete files/folders.

此关于Microsoft Graph API的文档对HTTP代码非常友好,我相信我能够将文档合理地翻译"为C#,但仍然无法抓取文件并将其上传到OneDrive.在线上的某些地方似乎正在使用字节数组?我完全不熟悉它,因为我的主要语言是C ++,我们只使用ifstream/ofstream.无论如何,这是特定代码的一部分(我希望这已经足够了):

This documentation on Microsoft Graph API is very friendly to HTTP code, and I believe I am able to fairly "translate" the documentation to C#, but still fail to grab a file and upload to OneDrive. Some places online seem to be using byte arrays? Which I am completely unfamiliar with since my primary language is C++ and we just use ifstream/ofstream. Anyways, here is the portion of code in specific (I hope this is enough):

var item = await _client.Users[userID].Drive.Items[FolderID]//"01YZM7SMVOQ7YVNBXPZFFKNQAU5OB3XA3K"].Content
            Console.WriteLine("done printing");


As it stands, it uploads a temporary file that has a tilde "~" in the OneDrive (like as if I was only able to open but not import any data from the file onto it). If I swap the name of the file so it includes the file location it throws an error:


Message: Found a function 'microsoft.graph.createUploadSession' on an open property. Functions on open properties are not supported.


Thanks, any comments and help would mean a lot.


Try this approach with memory stream and PutAsync<DriveItem> request:

string path = "D:\\LessThan4MB.txt";
byte[] data = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(path);

using (Stream stream = new MemoryStream(data))
    var item = await _client.Me.Drive.Items[FolderID]

我假设您已经授予Microsoft Graph Files.ReadWrite.All 权限.检查您的 API权限.我使用相当老的Microsoft.Graph库1.21.0版测试了此代码段.希望它也对您有用.

I am assuming you have already granted Microsoft Graph Files.ReadWrite.All permission. Check your API permission. I tested this code snippet with pretty old Microsoft.Graph library version 1.21.0. Hopefully it will work for you too.