


I've used the following C# code to convert a string of JSON data to a dynamic object using the JSON.Net framework:

// Creates a dynamic .Net object representing the JSON data
var ProductDB = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(JsonData);


Once converted, I can access the elements directly using code like this:

// Variables to be used
string ProductID;
string ProductType;
int ProductQty;

// Loop through each of the products
foreach (dynamic product in ProductDB.products)
    ProductID = product.id;
    ProductType = product.type;
    ProductQty = product.qty;


Is there anything similar to this for working with XML data? I could just use JSON.net to convert my XML to JSON and then re-use the code above, but that feels like cheating.



I have found some good solutions available as per your requirement:

  1. 解析XML在C#动态对象

  2. Creating从XML使用ExpandoObject
  3. 动态对象
  4. Fluent XML解析使用C#的动态类型第1部分

  5. Dynamic用C#和.NET 4.0 XML阅读器

  1. Parse XML to dynamic object in C#
  2. Creating a dynamic object from XML using ExpandoObject
  3. Fluent XML Parsing Using C#'s Dynamic Type Part 1
  4. Dynamic XML Reader with C# and .Net 4.0
