将数据从SAP拉至SharePoint Foundation 2013



想要检查是否可以将数据从SAP提取到SharePoint 2013 Foundation.如果是,请提出一些建议.

Wanted to check can I pull data from SAP to SharePoint 2013 Foundation. If yes, please give some suggestion.


我了解您想在SharePoint和SAP DB之间集成数据.需要将Business Connectivity服务配置为使用外部内容类型(当您从外部源创建和连接数据时)

I understand you want to integrate data between SharePoint and SAP DB. Business Connectivity services are required to be configured to use External Content Types (when you create and connect data from external sources)

我认为您无法在SharePoint Foundation 2013中创建和配置外部内容类型.您需要有效的企业(或其他类型)才能使用Business Connectivity Services-BCS.

I don't think you can create and configure External Content Types in SharePoint Foundation 2013. You need a valid enterprise (or other type) to use Business Connectivity Services - BCS.