如果在Visual Studio 2012/2013中的项目/解决方案中缺少文件,则报告错误/警告


Visual Studio 不再支持宏,因此以下问题的答案仅对以前的版本有效:

Visual Studio no longer supports macros, so the answer in the following question is only valid for previous releases:

报告错误/警告Visual Studio项目/解决方案中缺少文件

在构建缺少文件的解决方案时,Visual Studio 2012/2013是否可以报告错误/警告?

Is there a way for Visual Studio 2012 / 2013 to report an error/warning when you build a solution that has missing files?


Based on VS macro code you referenced, I've created an extension for Visual Commander to report warning:

Imports EnvDTE
Imports EnvDTE80

Public Class E
    Implements VisualCommanderExt.IExtension

    Sub SetSite(DTE_ As EnvDTE80.DTE2, package As Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Package) Implements VisualCommanderExt.IExtension.SetSite
        DTE = DTE_
        events = DTE.Events
        buildEvents = events.BuildEvents
        AddHandler buildEvents.OnBuildBegin, AddressOf OnBuildBegin
    End Sub

    Sub Close() Implements VisualCommanderExt.IExtension.Close
        RemoveHandler buildEvents.OnBuildBegin, AddressOf OnBuildBegin
    End Sub

    Private Sub OnBuildBegin(ByVal Scope As EnvDTE.vsBuildScope, ByVal Action As EnvDTE.vsBuildAction)
        For Each proj As Project In DTE.Solution.Projects
            For Each item As ProjectItem In proj.ProjectItems
                If (item.Kind <> "{6BB5F8EE-4483-11D3-8BCF-00C04F8EC28C}") Then ' only check physical file items
                    Continue For
                End If

                For i As Integer = 1 To item.FileCount
                    Dim path As String = item.FileNames(i)
                    If Not System.IO.File.Exists(item.FileNames(i)) Then
                        WriteToBuildWindow("!! Missing file:" & item.FileNames(i) + " in project " + proj.Name)
                    End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub WriteToBuildWindow(ByVal text As String)
        Dim ow As OutputWindow = DTE.Windows.Item(EnvDTE.Constants.vsWindowKindOutput).Object
        Dim build As OutputWindowPane = ow.OutputWindowPanes.Item("Build")
        build.OutputString(text & System.Environment.NewLine)
    End Sub

    private DTE As EnvDTE80.DTE2
    private events As EnvDTE.Events
    private buildEvents as EnvDTE.BuildEvents

End Class